Benefits of Training with A Rowing Machine

Rowing is a sport modality, which is carried out by means of muscular force, sitting in the opposite direction to the advance, and using...

Types of Footwear for Each Training: What Shoes Should I Train...

If you are one of those who do sports regularly, you should know that without proper shoes you cannot perform your training correctly. Making a...

Weight Training for Women: Guide to Doing It Right

The weight training for women is something well, not bad! Strength training helps increase lean body mass, which in turn increases metabolism. When compared to diet alone, strength...

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Analysis of The Backvolt Electrostimulator By Backbone

In this new article we analyze the Backvolt electrostimulator from the Backbone brand. What are these types of electrostimulators for? Can they help us to improve the relaxation...

Does the Anabolic Window Really Exist?

Anabolism is the synthesis of new protein in the body, building new muscle mass. During this anabolic window, your body is much more likely to...

Easy Bodyweight Workout You Can Do in Your Bedroom

Maybe you're traveling, short on time, too busy, or you just don't want to venture to the gym to exercise. We have all been there. But...

10 Exercises to Improve Balance and Coordination

The good balancing skills require many muscles control to carry out activities without you fall. These balance and coordination skills include hand-eye coordination, bilateral coordination, and smooth, controlled body movements. In...

Weight Training for Women: Guide to Doing It Right

The weight training for women is something well, not bad! Strength training helps increase lean body mass, which in turn increases metabolism. When compared to diet alone, strength...