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Definition Routines: Fat Loss Workouts

For the muscles to be visible, you have to include definition routines in which you must develop muscle tone and at the same time...

Analysis of The Backvolt Electrostimulator By Backbone

In this new article we analyze the Backvolt electrostimulator from the Backbone brand. What are these types of electrostimulators for? Can they help us to improve the relaxation...

Does the Anabolic Window Really Exist?

Anabolism is the synthesis of new protein in the body, building new muscle mass. During this anabolic window, your body is much more likely to...

Exercise Intensity

Exercise Intensity: Why It Matters, How It Is Measured Exercising at the correct intensity can help you get the most out of your physical activity,...

Benefits of Training with A Rowing Machine

Rowing is a sport modality, which is carried out by means of muscular force, sitting in the opposite direction to the advance, and using...