16 Things You Shouldn’t Do at The Gym


Getting to the gym is half the battle. The other half is achieved by making your time their count. And while, as a general rule, any exercise is good exercise, if you want to ensure that your workouts are of optimal efficiency, a little constructive criticism can’t hurt.

In the weight room, in the cardio studio, or in Pilates class; There are a number of things not to do, whether it’s to practice good gym etiquette or to protect yourself and others from potential health problems.

Don’t Ignore Hygiene and Sanitation

This needs to be discussed first as personal hygiene is extremely critical in the gym, it ranges from not disturbing others with your smell, to sweating (and covering it with cologne), to littering in the non-designated place, or protecting yourself from others. germs by cleaning the equipment before and after use.

Don’t Give Unsolicited Advice

Even if you have excellent knowledge about exercise; interfering with people’s exercise would likely end in embarrassing or rejecting you. If someone is doing something really wrong that could cause injury; ask permission to help him or tell the coach / room monitor to do so.

Don’t Shower Without Slippers

Have you ever heard of athlete’s foot disease? Try not to walk barefoot, especially where things like fungus and bacteria can spread even faster, like showers, swimming pools, and locker rooms.

Don’t Talk to Someone Wearing Headphones

If you see someone wearing headphones or earphones and they are concentrating on their training; this translates to “please don’t bother me, I’m not willing to chat or talk right now,” so don’t.

Don’t Lift Weights Without the Butterflies On

The use of butterflies in the weights is important for 2 reasons; to keep the weight plates from falling off and thereby protect yourself and others from injury, and to protect your ego, as everyone in the gym will turn to you for the source of that noise from the same iron hitting the floor.

Don’t Lift Loads Too Heavy to Show Off

It’s proven that people tend to push themselves harder and delay signs of fatigue when exercising in public as a way to show strength, which might be good for boosting their skills a bit more, but being overweight is a major one causes of injury.

Don’t Talk on Your Mobile

Maybe not everyone in the gym is interested in hearing everything you talk about last night’s party or the problems of your savings plan, the gym is for exercising, so it is best to keep it up, and if there is a call urgent telephone; make it quick or take it aside.

Don’t Text on Machines or While on The Treadmill

One: you would spend too much time in the gym you need.

Two: You could bump into something or someone if you’re texting and not seeing where you’re going.

Three: you would reserve the equipment too long if you send text messages.

Do Not Squeeze Together with Others

Walking or exercising too close to another person working out in the gym could expose you to unexpected injuries, especially from dumbbells and barbells, as well as preventing others from doing their workouts comfortably, do not you agree!?

Don’t Take Too Long

Not only would taking too long during your workout could reduce the efficiency of your workout, but it would also prevent other members from using the team you’re getting stuck on.

Don’t Come Unprepared

This ranges from not wearing the proper clothing to a bottle of water and a towel, to anything else that can influence the flow of your workout, the time you spend in the gym, or unnecessary additional cost.

Do Not Be Selfish

You have a gym membership, not gym ownership; so, don’t reserve gear for yourself for too long, especially if someone else is waiting for their series to finish so they can use it too.

Don’t Scatter the Gym Equipment

It’s beautiful gym etiquette to put everything you use in the gym back in place, even if there were enough workers for that task. Trust me on this, they will notice how neat and helpful you are, and will be kinder to you if you need them.

Don’t Be Ashamed to Ask How It’s Done

If you come across a new exercise equipment that you don’t know how to use and would like to try it out, don’t hesitate to ask the trainers for help and guidance, it would save you from potential injury or embarrassment if you misuse it.

Not Growl and Moan

The people around you don’t need to realize that you are performing a very, very heavy deadlift! It is disturbing and annoying to keep hearing someone’s groans and groans.

Don’t Take Selfies in Every Exercise

It’s quite acceptable to take a photo every once in a while, to see if you’re training and diet efforts are paying off, but that doesn’t mean spending half your training time taking selfies on every machine, equipment, weight rack. and mirror.


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