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Definition Routines: Fat Loss Workouts

For the muscles to be visible, you have to include definition routines in which you must develop muscle tone and at the same time...

The Post-Combustion Effect: How to Burn More Fat After Exercising

While many people focus on how many calories are burned while training, cycling, swimming, or lifting weights, there is one other important component to calorie...

4 Adductor Exercises to Get Stronger and Prevent Injuries

Many athletes neglect their adductors. Weightlifters often focus on their quads, glutes, hamstrings, and, to a lesser extent, their calves. But when your inner thighs are sore or tight, your adductors make...

Does the Anabolic Window Really Exist?

Anabolism is the synthesis of new protein in the body, building new muscle mass. During this anabolic window, your body is much more likely to...

CrossFit At Home: The 17 Best Exercises and WODs

CrossFit is a type of cross training originally used by the United States Special Forces to improve physical condition, strengthen muscles and the cardiovascular system. In just...