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Definition Routines: Fat Loss Workouts

For the muscles to be visible, you have to include definition routines in which you must develop muscle tone and at the same time...

How to Gain Muscle Without Weights or Equipment?

We frequently receive many questions about muscle development, and three of the most frequently mentioned are: Can you build muscle without weights? Do bodyweight exercises or calisthenics...

Easy Bodyweight Workout You Can Do in Your Bedroom

Maybe you're traveling, short on time, too busy, or you just don't want to venture to the gym to exercise. We have all been there. But...

Does the Anabolic Window Really Exist?

Anabolism is the synthesis of new protein in the body, building new muscle mass. During this anabolic window, your body is much more likely to...

Types of Footwear for Each Training: What Shoes Should I Train With?

If you are one of those who do sports regularly, you should know that without proper shoes you cannot perform your training correctly. Making a...