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Benefits of Training with A Rowing Machine

Rowing is a sport modality, which is carried out by means of muscular force, sitting in the opposite direction to the advance, and using...

5 Fitness Tips for All Women Over 50

For most people today, achieving or simply maintaining a decent fitness level is challenging, but for women turning 50, getting in shape can be...

How to Gain Muscle Without Weights or Equipment?

We frequently receive many questions about muscle development, and three of the most frequently mentioned are: Can you build muscle without weights? Do bodyweight exercises or calisthenics...

Weight Training for Women: Guide to Doing It Right

The weight training for women is something well, not bad! Strength training helps increase lean body mass, which in turn increases metabolism. When compared to diet alone, strength...

The 10 Best Functional Exercises in The World

The idea behind functional training is that each exercise should be more natural and extend to daily life. For example: improving your squats would help you get...