Endomorphs What Is the Best Plan to Lose Fat?


Endomorphs have a higher percentage of body fat. Therefore, as an endomorph your main goal should be cardiovascular exercise and fat burning. The advantage of waiting for endomorphs is that once they have lost weight, they will have a better idea of ​​how much weight training they have to do. They will also be able to see a bigger change in terms of weight loss and kilograms lost.

On the other hand, the diet and the intensity of the training are very important in the endomorphs to ensure that they are not losing too much muscle mass, as is often the case during calorie restriction.

Remember, more muscle mass means burning more calories. In addition, the key to achieving a good physique in endomorph-type bodies is to reduce fat and preserve as much muscle as possible. This will be achieved with short but intense resistance workouts, combined with minimal cardiovascular exercise 4-5 days a week.

Actor Gerard Butler, for example, has fantastic power of attraction at the box office and is one of the sexiest men in People magazine. Its biotype is endomorphic, and it is very fit. The spartan training he did for the 300-movie earned him a big, muscular and defined body.

On the other hand, endomorphic women have it even easier. Although they tend to be pulling their hair out of the frustration of having an endomorphic body, their sex appeal doesn’t compare to the other two body types. For example, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, and Scarlett Johansson.

All of them are on the lists of the most attractive women in the world. Therefore, male and female endomorphs do not despair because you can get very beautiful bodies.

Training Protocol for Endomorphs

Endomorphs must establish a workout with moderate weights, so they are not limited in the total number of repetitions to perform. Keep pauses between sets short, about 30-60 seconds, to keep your heart rate elevated. This allows us to turn weight training into a short cardio and fat-burning session. You can also use supersets or triseries to give your training greater intensity, this is great to burn a lot of calories.

Endomorphs generally should perform 10-15 reps per set. The priorities for endomorphs are building muscle and strength, as well as optimizing fitness.

Once you are satisfied with your muscle size, simply train to maintain it.

Endomorphic Women

For female endomorphs, this means accentuating their curves by adding muscle tone and physical strengthening. His goal is to get leaner and more agile, losing fat in a healthy way and establishing a cardiovascular training in addition to emphasizing specific areas of his body. Such as legs, hips, buttocks or arms that are the parts where they tend to accumulate more fat.

Endomorphic Man.

Male endomorphs have to decrease their percentage of body fat and increase muscle mass. Therefore, they must transform their body type to look more like that of a mesomorph.

What Is the Best Training for An Endomorph?

Here are some week-long workout plans as examples:


Day 1: Chest / Triceps

Day 2: Back / Biceps

Day 3: Cardio

Day 4: Shoulders / Calves / Abs

Day 5: Quadriceps / Femoral / Glutes

Day 6: Cardio

Day 7: Rest


Day 1: Chest

Day 2: Back / shoulders

Day 3: Cardio

Day 4: Rest

Day 5: Biceps / Triceps

Day 6: Legs

Day 7: Rest


Day 1: Chest / Back

Day 2: Rest

Day 3: Biceps / Triceps / Shoulders

Day 4: Rest

Day 5: Legs

Day 6: Cardio

Day 7: Rest


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