Benefits of Training with A Rowing Machine


Rowing is a sport modality, which is carried out by means of muscular force, sitting in the opposite direction to the advance, and using the row as a lever, a boat is propelled over the water. But it is not necessary to have water tools to practice rowing. There are machines for almost everything, and to carry out this discipline it was not going to be different.

Rowing machines are static devices that allow you to perform a great aerobic activity and tone every muscle in your body: legs, abdomen and arms, as if you were doing it with the boat in a natural environment.

Types of Rowing Machines to Exercise

The offer offered by the current market on these fitness machines is very varied, and you always have to choose the one that best suits your needs. Each model of static device has different resistance characteristics. We can find three different types or models.

In the first place, we find the air resistance oars that are the most used in sports centers or gyms, either to work vertical or horizontal resistance. Its operation is similar to the operation of the fan, with an inertia flywheel, in which the more force is applied in the propulsion, the greater the resistance that the machine opposes, this resistance is irregular because it disappears in the interval in which the body goes towards ahead.

They are easy to transport and fold to be collected or used at home, but they make a lot of noise, especially the models with a chain.

The water resistance oars use a system similar to that offered by air operation, but with these the exercise is performed in water, so the more water, the greater the resistance, and it is performed constantly during the exercise. swinging.

They are the closest thing to practicing rowing in the natural environment, although we can find them in sports training centers, since they take up more space and need more maintenance. Here we can see some models of water rowing machine highly recommended by specialists.

Lastly, magnetic resistance rowing machines are powered by electromagnets, offering a greater range of constant resistance to movement. In their use they are silent and manageable, as their assembly is simple and foldable.

On the market we find paddles with this system in which the value for money is adequate, they do not produce noise, and they also have a built-in LED console for the most relevant training information.

Benefits of Rowing Machines

Rowing is an activity that hooks you, once you have started training regularly, and brings great benefits.

  • Activates the whole body. Through the pushing motion, each lower body muscle is activated, while those in the upper body are exercised to overcome resistance. Thus, the legs and arms with the pectoral muscles are tensed and loosened to engage the abdominals.
  • Rowing burns calories. With constant rowing workouts, and a balanced diet you can burn up to 500 calories in an hour, which is not bad at all. By exercising the whole body, even if they are low intensity workouts, you always burn calories from muscle fat.
  • Improves the joints. With rowing machines, they allow you to regulate the intensity of resistance and strength; This way you get not overloading and have less stress on the joints of the knees, elbows and shoulders, since they only move. They do not support the weight of the body, as when p. ex. you run.
  • Increase your stamina and eliminate stress. As it is an exercise in which many parts of the body intervene and work, if a progressive training is carried out, our strength increases. At the same time, it helps us to burn the adrenaline accumulated from daily activity, producing relaxation.
  • They are affordable and foldable. The market offers quality / price rowing machines, for beginners, quite cheap. It is not necessary to go to a gym since most of them comply and have good benefits, and allow them to be folded to save space, they are prepared to have them at home.


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