Definition Routines: Fat Loss Workouts


For the muscles to be visible, you have to include definition routines in which you must develop muscle tone and at the same time reduce the percentage of body fat.

Therefore, you should participate in a weight training program designed to build muscle, and incorporate regular bouts of cardiovascular exercise to burn calories and follow a healthy nutritional plan to adequately fuel the muscle-building process.

At the end of the article, we show you a list with many muscle definitions or toning routines. But first of all, we are going to know what these routines are for, what exercises we can work with, and how to structure our weekly routine in a general way.

Get Muscle Tone

Achieving good muscle tone is not an easy task, so we recommend that you schedule three weight training routines throughout the week on non-consecutive days.

Your muscles need 48 hours of rest between each weight training session.

Focus on Major Muscle Groups

Complete a workout that targets all major muscle groups, including chest, shoulders, back, biceps, triceps, legs, and core. Select one or two exercises per muscle group.


Exercises that may work best for your chest include bench presses, dumbbell bench presses, openings, and push-ups.


Work your shoulders with vertical row, side raises, and front raises.

Triceps and biceps

Attack your triceps with dips, triceps extensions, and overhead triceps extensions. For your biceps, incorporate dumbbell and barbell curls.


Build your back with pulls, seated rows, kneeling rows, and barbell rows.


Work your legs including squats, lunges, deadlifts, and leg presses.


To work your core, incorporate a number of different types of crunches, bridges, and planks.

Compound Exercises First, Then Isolation

Complete all compound exercises before moving on to isolation exercises.

The compound exercises require motion around multiple joints, such as bench press, involving the movement of the shoulders and elbows.

Types of Series and Repetitions for Muscle Definition

Perform at least three sets of each exercise, and each set should consist of at least 6 to 12 reps. This is the volume that is recommended to build generic muscle. Rest for about three minutes between each set.

Exercise Weights

Use a weight that is appropriate for each exercise. For your muscle tissue to become overloaded, completing each set must be difficult. The weight you’re using should allow you to do at least six reps, but no more than 12. You shouldn’t be obsessed with this either.

Lower Fat Percentage

Our generic recommendation is that you do at least four or five cardio workouts each week. The cardiovascular exercises such as jogging, they swim and biking, are efficient to burn a lot of calories, which leads to fat loss. Each session should last at least 30 minutes.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 150 to 200 minutes of cardiovascular exercise each week for those looking to lose body fat.

Increase the Intensity

Gradually and as, you improve your physical condition, it is advisable to increase the intensity of your cardio workouts.

According to the American Council on Exercise, high intensity sessions burn more calories than low intensity sessions and also cause an increase in metabolic rate after finishing the session.

Diet and Calorie Intake

Of course, and as, you know, you must follow a healthy eating plan to limit your calorie intake and, at the same time, provide your body with nutrients and energy.

The American Council on Exercise notes that you can reduce your body fat percentage by consuming primarily whole grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, greens, and vegetables, and reduce your meal portion sizes by 10/15 percent.

Other ways you can try to burn fat and tone your body include:

  • Follow a high protein diet
  • Sleep better
  • Add vinegar to your diet
  • Eat more healthy fats
  • Drink healthier beverages
  • Fill up on fiber
  • Cut down on refined carbohydrates
  • Add probiotics to your diet
  • Try intermittent fasting

There are many options available to help you shed excess fat and improve your health.

Incorporating a few healthy habits into your routine and changing your diet can make a big difference. Even small changes to your lifestyle can have powerful effects on burning fat.

Make sure to combine these simple tips with a well-rounded, nutritious diet and active lifestyle to simultaneously increase fat breakdown and improve your overall health.


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