5 Fitness Tips for All Women Over 50


For most people today, achieving or simply maintaining a decent fitness level is challenging, but for women turning 50, getting in shape can be even more challenging. In the next post you will find exercise tips for women over 50.

Today there are more weight loss programs, exercise equipment and fitness routines to choose from than ever before, yet the statistics remind us of how out of shape we are as a country.

How to Stay in Shape After 50 Years

As difficult as it may sound, there are some simple and effective ways to stay in shape after age 50. These five simple tips can help you get (and stay) fit in your 50s and beyond.


Weight lifting may be the best way for older women to maintain their overall fitness and stop the slow increase in fat. Building strength with weight training is possible at any age, and some studies published in 2009 show that women in their 70s build significant muscle by lifting weights 2-3 times a week. one

Walk Regularly

Walking has been consistently shown to   improve cardiovascular fitness, help keep weight under control, and improve mood in those who maintain a regular walking routine. 2   Any aerobic exercise (biking, jogging, swimming) is great for maintaining lower levels of body fat and improving flexibility and overall body tone, but after age 50, walking has some benefits.

Walking provides unique benefits for older athletes. The risk of injury is low, requires little equipment, can be done alone or in a group, and is easy to do on the go. Walking also helps improve joint and bone health.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of walking is that it is helpful. Walking to run errands, taking your dog out and exercising, socializing, or going outside are added benefits of using a walking routine to stay in shape. By combining walking with weight training, you will have a simple and effective way to get and stay fit after 50 years.

Incorporate High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Interval training is a great way to improve overall fitness. It’s fast and efficient, but it can be challenging. To reap the benefits of interval training and minimize risk, start slowly and stop when you are out of breath. For example, if you go for a walk, increase your pace for 30 seconds and then return to your normal pace. Repeat this 30-second burst once every 5 minutes. Continue until you have completed five 30-second bursts.

As the days and weeks go by, you may want to jog for that 30-second interval. The beauty of interval training is that you are in control of the effort and the number of repetitions. If you’re already in good shape, you can add high-intensity interval training and improve it. When starting intervals, always pay attention to any warning signs that you are overshooting.

Perform Basic Exercises

As we age and become less active, core strength is often one of the first things we suffer from. Poor core strength can lead to a domino effect of other physical aches and pains due to poor body mechanics and misalignment. 3 Back, hip, knee and neck pain can often be traced to poor core strength.

Your core muscles include more than just your abs, so it’s important to consistently perform a balanced core strength training. Do a quick 20-minute core workout 3-4 times a week to maintain core strength and stability.

Simple body weight exercises that force your core to contract as you stabilize your body are other great ways to maintain core muscles. Challenging bodyweight exercises to burn calories

Eat Enough Protein

Many older women don’t get enough protein to maintain muscle mass. 4 Protein is the main component of the body and because it is not stored, it must be replenished regularly. Proteins can be complete (those containing 8 essential amino acids) or incomplete (no essential amino acids). Complete proteins are found in most animal sources, such as meat, fish, and eggs, while incomplete proteins are generally found in vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

The athlete’s vegans and vegetarians strict often struggle to get adequate protein if you do not pay much attention to how they combine food sources. 5   If you don’t get enough protein, it can be difficult to build or maintain muscle. If you are vegan, it is even more important that you learn how to get enough of this essential nutrient.

It’s possible to get in shape and stay in shape after 50, but it requires constant movement and a little knowledge to get the most out of your activity.


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