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Tag: Full Body Routine

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Exercise Intensity

Exercise Intensity: Why It Matters, How It Is Measured Exercising at the correct intensity can help you get the most out of your physical activity,...

How to Gain Muscle Without Weights or Equipment?

We frequently receive many questions about muscle development, and three of the most frequently mentioned are: Can you build muscle without weights? Do bodyweight exercises or calisthenics...

Workout Routine for Muscular Legs

Leg training is often associated with barbell / multipower squats and heavy leg presses. Today we discover new ways to get muscular legs without these exercises. Of...

4 Strength Exercises to Do at Home

In this article we focus on basic strength exercises to do at home, only with the help of your body and your own strength. Importance of Strength Exercises We...

Triceps Exercise Routine

If you want strong and toned triceps, here are some great exercises that will work all three heads of your triceps. Prepare your dumbbells and...