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10 Training Myths and Mistakes Beginners Make

In every sport there seem to be many unwritten books full of unofficial wisdom and semi-knowledge that are generously passed on to beginners. However, the...

Cluster Training, Muscle Volume and Strength

This intense workout focuses on strength building exercises, heavy lifting, muscle volume building, and pump sets that induce all of this. First of all, I would like to...

New Year, New Life: Tips to Start the Year in Shape

With these tips you will start the year on the right foot. After copious dinners, parties and excesses this Christmas, we look in the mirror...

How Do Different Types of Fatigue Affect Hypertrophy and Recovery?

Many times, we hear about fatigue but we don't really know what the effect of it is on hypertrophy and recovery. Weightlifters often speak of...

Benefits of Training with A Rowing Machine

Rowing is a sport modality, which is carried out by means of muscular force, sitting in the opposite direction to the advance, and using...