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Cluster Training, Muscle Volume and Strength

This intense workout focuses on strength building exercises, heavy lifting, muscle volume building, and pump sets that induce all of this. First of all, I would like to...

Basic Guide to Getting Started in The Gym: Nutrition and Exercise

Before continuing, let's make something clear. Absolutely no one prefers to train to do anything, and by whatever, I mean whatever comes to mind, something...

Gaining Muscle in The Arm: Routine for Strong and Big Biceps

Strong biceps are a sign of hard work in the gym and tough muscle discipline. In addition to giving, you an appearance of strength and harmony (if...

The 10 Best Functional Exercises in The World

The idea behind functional training is that each exercise should be more natural and extend to daily life. For example: improving your squats would help you get...

Does the Anabolic Window Really Exist?

Anabolism is the synthesis of new protein in the body, building new muscle mass. During this anabolic window, your body is much more likely to...