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The Post-Combustion Effect: How to Burn More Fat After Exercising

While many people focus on how many calories are burned while training, cycling, swimming, or lifting weights, there is one other important component to calorie...

Gaining Muscle in The Arm: Routine for Strong and Big Biceps

Strong biceps are a sign of hard work in the gym and tough muscle discipline. In addition to giving, you an appearance of strength and harmony (if...

Analysis of The Backvolt Electrostimulator By Backbone

In this new article we analyze the Backvolt electrostimulator from the Backbone brand. What are these types of electrostimulators for? Can they help us to improve the relaxation...

Eccentric, Concentric and Isometric Force

As part of our fitness lexicon, there are 3 terms that are often read in descriptions of strength exercises, and that are essential to...

The 10 Best Functional Exercises in The World

The idea behind functional training is that each exercise should be more natural and extend to daily life. For example: improving your squats would help you get...