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Basic Guide to Getting Started in The Gym: Nutrition and Exercise

Before continuing, let's make something clear. Absolutely no one prefers to train to do anything, and by whatever, I mean whatever comes to mind, something...

The 10 Best Functional Exercises in The World

The idea behind functional training is that each exercise should be more natural and extend to daily life. For example: improving your squats would help you get...

Definition Routines: Fat Loss Workouts

For the muscles to be visible, you have to include definition routines in which you must develop muscle tone and at the same time...

10 Training Myths and Mistakes Beginners Make

In every sport there seem to be many unwritten books full of unofficial wisdom and semi-knowledge that are generously passed on to beginners. However, the...

Workout Routine for Muscular Legs

Leg training is often associated with barbell / multipower squats and heavy leg presses. Today we discover new ways to get muscular legs without these exercises. Of...