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Benefits of Training with A Rowing Machine

Rowing is a sport modality, which is carried out by means of muscular force, sitting in the opposite direction to the advance, and using...

5/3/1 Training System to Increase Strength

Strength gain is one of the biggest concerns in the world of gyms, and internet searches top the rankings. But with the 5/3/1 routine we...

10 Exercises to Improve Balance and Coordination

The good balancing skills require many muscles control to carry out activities without you fall. These balance and coordination skills include hand-eye coordination, bilateral coordination, and smooth, controlled body movements. In...

Does the Anabolic Window Really Exist?

Anabolism is the synthesis of new protein in the body, building new muscle mass. During this anabolic window, your body is much more likely to...

How Do Different Types of Fatigue Affect Hypertrophy and Recovery?

Many times, we hear about fatigue but we don't really know what the effect of it is on hypertrophy and recovery. Weightlifters often speak of...